Graphic Designer & Visual Artist


Hi I am Simin Jonoud

As an artist, a designer, and an individual, I strongly believe in creativity, diversity and collaboration. Although , I was obsessed with being a “true artist”, but I did not want my work to serve only a small fraction of the society. I preferred my art to reach out and interact with many ordinary people, rather than a small number of the elite. This was the main reason I became a designer. Nowadays I am trying to make a balance between my fine arts and creative designs for publics. As for the main aspects of my personality, I can say that I am curious, adventurous and enthusiastic about art, as well as imaginative and creative. I also like working with and for people; I am social, outgoing and friendly. My wish, for my professional life as a designer, is to be able to explore solutions for the problems we face in our day to day lives, as modern human being. My long-term goal is to lead my own team of enthusiastic, creative and solution minded professionals. I believe in collaboration, innovation and simple solutions. A multi-disciplinary team working together, sharing ideas, proposing solutions for a business case, is the ideal working environment in my opinion. Some of my main SKILLS include: Intermediate to Advanced level Adobe software (PS, AI, ID, AE, XD, LR ) ,Acquainted with drawing, painting, sculpting, and photography ,Speaking English , French and Farsi .Appropriate skills to interact with people (working experience at customer service) and leading team (working experience), organized and detail oriented, fast learner, strong team player, eager to learn, initiator and self-directed and business oriented. What SUCCESS looks like to me? I think if I like what I do, and I create something new and/or solve an issue on a regular basis, then I am already successful. The financial success comes as a result. My other INTERESTS in life include travelling, sports, music, movies and nature.